Electronic Merchant System’s 2024 Holiday Party
EMS, a leading provider of payment processing and merchant systems, commenced its 2024 Holiday party at the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum on Saturday, December 14, 2024. Drew Wilsford, proprietor of MLN Productions, executed an exceptional job in the production and coordination of the event. The Cleveland region boasts numerous exceptional venues suitable for hosting large-scale corporate gatherings. However, I must express my personal preference for the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum. Its impressive backdrop of World War II aircraft and classic automobiles provides an unparalleled setting for such an occasion.
To view the entire high/full resolution photo gallery, go to https://photos.dalemcdonaldphotographer.com/Business/MLN-Productions/2024-Holiday-Party/EMS-Holiday-Party
To only view the photo booth images, go to https://photos.dalemcdonaldphotographer.com/Business/MLN-Productions/2024-Holiday-Party/EMS-Photo-Booth-Portraits